Brands 3D Models

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Popular car brands 3D models on Flatpyramid.

By the way, the American edition of Focus2move has published a list of the most popular car brands in the world. The rating is based on sales in January-April 2018.

From among the first “ten” in the first four months, Kia has shown rapid growth. Compared to 2017, the Korean company increased sales by 8.7%. It should be noted that the last time Koreans are very active in the global market.

Toyota took the first place in the world ranking, having increased sales by 0.6% over four months.

In second place with a significant lag was located Volkswagen. Sales of the German mark in January-April 2018 increased by 6.1%.

The third step of the pedestal went to Ford. For Americans, this year did not start very well – sales of cars under the Ford brand fell by 5.9%.