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3D Models of Commercial Ships and Cruises.
There is no uniform standardized classification of civil courts, but it is customary to divide them into the following main groups:
Vessels committing international flights must comply with the standards of the SOLAS-74 Convention (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea), which defines the status of a passenger, cargo and fishing vessel:
A passenger ship is a ship carrying more than 12 passengers, that is, persons older than one year who are not members of the crew and who do not perform any duties related to the activities of the ship. Examples of passenger ships are cruise ships and liners.
A cargo ship – literally “any vessel that is not a passenger vessel”, but taking into account all reservations and the scope of the Convention – self-propelled, having a gross tonnage of more than 500 register tons, not a military ship or military transport, not solely fishing, not a pleasure yacht not engaged in commercial activities.
Cargo ships are divided into dry cargo and tankers. Dry cargo ships include such types of vessels as container ships, lighter carriers, bulk carriers, rollers, including truck carriers, refrigerated and variously specialized vessels such as timber carriers, cement trucks, etc. Among the tankers, one can also distinguish specialized ones – gas carriers, winemakers, etc., but All of them are united by shipping in tanks (tanks). There are also ships of mixed type or universal, which can simultaneously or alternately carry both bulk and bulk or piece dry goods.
A cargo ship is a cargo ship that has seats for 12 or more passengers or a passenger ship that has held for commercial cargo. An example of a cargo-passenger ship is steam.
A fishing vessel (or fishing vessel) is a vessel used to hunt fish, whales, seals, walrus, or other living resources of the sea.
If a vessel, in addition to opportunities for fishing, has the ability to transport goods, for example, in refrigerated premises, then it will not belong to the class of fishing vessels, but to the class of cargo ships.
The fishing (fishing) vessels include trawlers, seiners, drifters, longliners, whaling, and other specialized ones – crab-fishing, etc. – vessels.
Popular Commercial Ships 3D models file formats: 3ds, max, c4d, lwo, ma, mb, obj