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3D Sea and ocean scenes of 3d models.
The sea is part of the oceans, separated by land or elevations of the underwater terrain. It also differs from the World Ocean in the hydrological, meteorological and climatic regimes, which is connected with their marginal position relative to the oceans and the slowing down of water exchange due to the limited connection with the open part. located in the Mediterranean). For the fauna of the seas is characterized by the presence of endemics.
In various authors, in particular in the Bible, any large body of water (rivers, lakes, bays) can be called seas; for example, the Egyptian Sea in the Bible, according to various assumptions, designates either the Nile River or a part of the Red Sea; besides, the Euphrates River is called the sea there.
In the Dahl Dictionary, the sea is defined as a cluster of bitter-saline water in vast depressions or fractures of the earth’s surface. Thus, the sea calls all these arbitrarily delimited waters as opposed to land (land, continent). Usually the seas communicate with the world’s oceans through the straits (for example, the Mediterranean, Black and others) and carry this name correctly. It is less legally attached to the shallow seas or freshwater lakes (for example, the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, and Baikal – “The Glorious Sea – the Sacred Baikal”). In addition, the sea means the abyss or abyss, immensity.
Objects, called seas, exist not only on Earth: for example, the “South Sea” is on Mars and on the Moon (the lunar sea is called (visually) a dark spot on the surface of the lunar disk).
When cooled, saline water turns into “sea ice” – it occurs below the freezing point for fresh water at a temperature of about −1.8 ° C