Oil barrel Pallet High resolution textures
Barrel texture : 2048 x 2048
Pallet texture : 3096 x 3096
Obj, 3ds, fbx and max files, are compressed in zip files with all materials, textures and folders.
High resolution textures color, bump and reflect map. Standard 3ds max materials and Vray materials included. with .mat and .mtl
Barrel : 4857 polygons
Pallet : 150 polygons
Detailed enough for close-up renders.
American Barrel - A unit of measure for oil volume equal to 42 gallons or 158.988 liters. Interestingly, the barrel for measuring other liquids in America holds only 31.5 gallons.
In the world oil market (unlike the domestic Russian one, where oil is sold in tons), a barrel is used as the main unit of measurement, and the price of the main world oil brands is set in dollars per barrel.
It is often necessary to convert barrels to tons, and here such a factor as oil density comes into play, which for the main types of oil in Russia, for example, varies widely - from 820 to 905.5 kg per cubic meter. The mass of each barrel changes accordingly. The conversion rate from tons to barrels for Russian Urals oil, the main brand of Russian oil exported, is 7.28 barrels per ton. A similar coefficient for Brent light oil (Great Britain), at a discount to which Urals is sold on the world market, is 7.59 barrels per ton.
You can use the ratio:
1 barrel (American, oil) = 42 gallons ≈ 158.988 liters = 0.158988 m³
1 barrel (American, oil) ≈ 0.1364 tons of oil (US average, more accurately dependent on the brand of oil and temperature/density) = 136.4 kg of oil.
Russian brands of oil have a different ratio:
Urals - 1 barrel ≈ 0.1373 tons of oil or 7.28 barrels per ton. (on average, and in general - in the ranges from 0.1364 to 0.1381 tons per 1 barrel or from 7.329 to 7.240 barrels per ton)
“Siberian Light” - 1 barrel ≈ from 0.1340 to 0.1348 tons of oil (or from 7.463 to 7.418 barrels per ton)