How a 3d model of a clitoris can lead to your personal sexual revolution

How a 3d model of a clitoris can lead to your personal sexual revolution

3d model of a human anatomy of a woman clitoris

It seems that there are more uses for 3d models (apart from gaming , movies and digital 3d representation of objects) that we have thought of.

It seems that there is no way to get pleasure from a tool you don’t even know you have, or do not even know how it looks like.

Therefore a plan of action will be given at the end to overcome this.

Pupils across France where the first to use a full size anatomical 3d model in their classes. 3d printing technology and scans have made this possible. Women finally know without speculating how their organ looks like.
It seems that clitoris is a much complicated organ and there are scholar articles to even support this thesis. I quote

Typical textbook descriptions of the clitoris lack detail and include inaccuracies.

3d model printed of clitoris - printed

It is impossible to convey clitoral anatomy in a single diagram showing only 1 plane, as is typically provided in textbooks, which reveal it as a flat structure. MRI provides a multiplanar representation of clitoral anatomy in the live state, which is a major a

dvantage, and complements dissection materials.” and to support the complexity of the organ I quote “The clitoris is a multiplanar structure with

a broad attachment to the pubic arch and via extensive supporting tissue to the mons pubis and labia. Centrally it is attached to the urethra and vagina. Its components include the erectile bodies (paired bulbs and paired corpora, which are continuous with the crura) and the glans clitoris.”

There is actually more theory that suggests that orgasms are mainly clitorical as the guardian points out. I quote from this article:

The purpose of the euphoric sensation has long puzzled scientists as it is not necessary for conception, and is often not experienced by women during sex itself.” The solution may be in “Writing in the journal JEZ-Molecular and Developmental Evolution, Pavličev and co-author Günter Wagner from Yale University describe how they delved into the anatomy and behaviour of a host of placental mammals to uncover the evolutionary origin of female orgasm, based on the hormonal surges associated with it.”

So after all this evidence that the clitoris plays a crucial role why are 3d models of sex organs ignored in  sex education classes

So how can women experience their own sexual revolution.

Well here is a list to solve your problem

  1. stop considering that an organization has separate parts that do not interact with its other.
  2. Experimentation equals new knowledge.
  3. Always have a masterplan.

So in order to conclude it must be said that enough scientific evidence to support why clitoris is an essential tool to lead to a woman’s personal sexual revolution was provided. Also evidence was presented to say that textbook representations are not enough to educate people because they are plain and the use of 3d models comes in hand here. Last but not least solutions were provided for a personal sexual revolution.