The Benefits Of 3D Modeling

The Benefits Of 3D Modeling

3D modeling is beneficial for those instances in which we will benefit from seeing a physical object in a solid form. For this reason, 2D models cannot justify the results required from observing the model.

Medical surgery has come a long way, with the use of 3D models. Modern surgical tools have implemented schematics which include a 3D model of the body, showing the surgeon precisely where to create an incision or the exact location of a tumor that is to be excised. An x-ray, which uses 2D features and techniques, will not have this gravity throughout the surgery process, and can yield, at best, an estimation of where to cut.

If we think back to chemistry class, and the models in the textbook and in the classroom of the 3D representations of molecules, this is more than likely one of the most memorable influences that many students have faced when interaction with 3D models. Researcher, students, teachers and professors alike have benefited from the creation of 3D models.
Property development companies require 3D models of developments for planning committees, zoning, architects, and designers and most important, to pre-sell the properties before the buildings have been completed. Customers purchase the property based on the models alone, justifying the importance of creating accurate and concise 3D models, which can be rendered in the form of a tour of the unit.Without 3D models and the rendering and animation of these models we would not have advanced graphics within video games and animated films. Not only are 3D models beneficial for entertainment purposes, but for teaching and instruction techniques, such as a 3D model rendered, to show the process of digestion within the human body. These 3D models engage the viewer and offer unique interaction that cannot be found in a 2D model.

Of course, there are always going to be objects that have shown better results when they are visualized in a 2D space, these are: the traditional x-ray, and perspective drawings.