Michael Jackson 3D Model

Michael Jackson 3D Model

As you all know the greatest entertainer ever – Michael Jackson suddenly passed away at the young age of 50 years in his rented home in Los Angeles. As you all know the greatest entertainer ever – Michael Jackson suddenly passed away at the young age of 50 years in his rented home in Los Angeles.

While we were shocked like everyone else on hearing the news, we took it a little harder since we had actually been working on a custom 3D model job for Michael Jackson’s upcoming show in the UK, when we learnt that he had passed.

While the world mourns the passing of this legendary artist – Michael Jackson the “King of Pop” we here at Flat Pyramid pay tribute to him and his legacy by offering a Michael Jackson 3D model in his memory through one of our top 3D modeler – Yasmeen Jahan.

Even though we are in the 3D modeling business and not in the music industry and a 3d model artist is different from a musical artist, we are all still artists and share a similar passion for creativity. Here at Flat Pyramid 3D marketplace, our motto and goal is to allow artist Spend More Time Being Creative while we take care of promoting and distributing your 3D models and 3d products for you.

We encourage all you 3D artists that are good with character modeling to create all sorts of 3D Michael Jackson models in his memory. We will feature all of them in our newsletter, on our blog and send them to his people to use however they choose in his memory.

Regardless of what kind of artists (3D artist, Musical artist, 2D artist, etc) you are, and no matter where you are located in the world, we know that our work always out lives us so spend more time being creative. Like Michael Jackson’s art, your 3D models might live forever.

From one type of artist to another,

we all wish that Michael Jackson rest in peace.