High detail building model with Vray and multi layer phososhop PSD file.
Architecture conceived as the design of structural details tends to follow a specific pattern of development. Whether the structure being designed is the system of primary supports or the lightweight cladding, it is developed from a single component. Once the component is designed, the entire building is designed, the component need only be multiplied ad infinitum. Architecture then becomes little more than the replication of a detail. Sometimes such components embrace more than a single element, as is the case with the window-walls of the Philadelphia Police Headquarters. Here each stack of three windows is a single precast concrete frame, like a ladder or a perforated pier, carrying the floor slabs.
Walls on the Arm Italia industrial buildings are built of comparable vertical elements, but here the window pattern is varied to great advantage. The Banque Lambert building in Brussels treats columns as sharp spikes or prongs, extended below and above the floor slabs. The BMW Garage is based on essentially the same idea, but here the fascia of each slab is enlarged to make a massive parapet, while the columns projecting above and below are reduced to stumps.
The preceding examples are instances of rational problem-solving arbitrarily inflected toward sculptural qualities, which may or may not be at variance with structural logic. The intention has been to make structure in some way expressive, but not necessarily of a structural fact. Another response within the parameters of problem-solving treats the skin of a building like a precisely machined industrial artifact and goes to some trouble to emphasize the resemblance.
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