Bamboo 3D model based on a group of perennial evergreens in the true grass family Poaceae, subfamily Bambusoideae, tribe Bambuseae. Giant bamboos are the largest members of the grass family. In bamboo, the internodal regions of the stem are hollow and the vascular bundles in the cross section are scattered throughout the stem instead of in a cylindrical arrangement. The dicotyledonous woody xylem is also absent. The absence of secondary growth wood causes the stems of monocots, even of palms and large bamboos, to be columnar rather than tapering.
Bamboos are some of the fastest growing plants in the world, as some species have been recorded as growing up to 100 cm (39 in) within a 24 hour period due to a unique rhizome-dependent system. Bamboos are of notable economic and cultural significance in South Asia, South East Asia and East Asia, being used for building materials, as a food source, and as a versatile raw product.
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In the subfamily there are about 1,200 species. There are two main types of bamboos that are simultaneously representatives of two taxonomic tribes:
Triba bamboo (Bambuseae): representatives - lignifying plants with slender, often branching, often high stem, airy, delicate crowns, grassy leaves, and sometimes with giant panicle inflorescences.
Tribe olir (Olyreae): representatives - plants that grow as “ordinary” herbs form thickets and do not woody; as a rule, these plants are rarely above one meter.
Growth and development of some species
Almost all bamboo reach huge sizes (for example, Dendrocalamus brandisii can grow up to 38 m, while the stem circumference reaches 80 cm, that is, about 25 cm in diameter).
Bamboo plants are the most important technical crops in many countries of the world, and Bambusa vulgaris bamboo can be compared in this respect only with coconut palm. The birthplace of bamboo is unknown, although it is common in both hemispheres of the Earth.
From the rhizome of an ordinary bamboo, numerous stems, 18 m long and higher, grow rapidly and rapidly, on which there are leaves 18 cm long and 1.3 cm wide. Each group, clone or entire population in the area does not bloom for several decades, then blooms simultaneously and very abundantly, after fruiting, as a rule, only ground shoots die completely or die, and rhizomes are preserved.
Giant bamboo Bambusa gigantea blooms about once every 30 years. Bambusa tulda in Indochina grows 22 meters in one month. In the Amazon, the broadleaf Bambusa latifolia is an important part of the aboriginal flora. The variegated bamboo species were imported from China and Japan to Europe, of which the Japanese low-growing bamboo, Bambusa fortunei, was especially prevalent as an ornamental plant.
Bamboo is characterized by a high growth rate, a record speed recorded in madaca (Phyllostachys bambusoides), which grew by 120 cm in a day.
When cultivating bamboo as ornamental plants, it is necessary to remember that this plant is characterized by a very developed rhizome, therefore it is able to “capture” large areas in a short period of time. To prevent such a "settlement", it is recommended to create special fencing in the ground before planting, for which the rhizomes could not germinate.
Some types of bamboo bloom extremely rarely - once in a hundred years or even less. Even growing in the lower tier of the forest saza or undersized bamboo blooms once in 20 years.
If the plant “survives” until flowering, then immediately after it dies, because during this period it spends the last energy reserves. As a rule, the flowering period covers large areas in which bamboo grows. In this case, the subsequent death of plants after flowering often leads to the complete disappearance of bamboo in the area. A similar case, for example, occurred in Europe in the 1990s, where bamboo was cultivated as a garden plant. It should be noted that regular pruning can prevent flowering and the death of the plant following it.
Due to the fact that bamboo blooms so rarely, the flowering itself is still little studied. For example, it is still not completely known why the period of flowering comes so rarely and that it is the trigger mechanism for its beginning. Scientists assume that such a rare flowering of bamboo is an evolutionary adaptation that ensures the reproduction of bamboo - there are no animals and birds in nature that would eat only the seeds of this plant - after all, it is almost impossible to live to the next flowering.
Being tropical and subtropical plants, in natural conditions bamboo grows in Asia, Europe, both Americas, Africa and Australia, groves and in Oceania are known. Grassy bamboo is found exclusively in the tropics, while some woody species feel quite well in colder areas. For example, Chusquea aristata in the Eastern Andes at 4,700 m above sea level forms impenetrable thickets that rise even higher - up to the snow border, and in the Himalayan mountains several types of bamboo rise to a height of 3,800 m, Bambusa metake from Japan and several Chinese bamboo species grow beautifully in Central Europe - in Hungary, Spain, Germany, Romania, the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Russia (Caucasus region, Dagestan, Krasnodar region, Karachevo-Cherkessia), Bulgaria, and Crimea. Representatives of the Saza (Sasa) genus grow even in the Kuril Islands (see Kuril bamboo).
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