
Create BIM from Any CAD Model using

BIM continues to be a widely accepted platform for managing the phases of a building project from design to construction—as well as managing the building itself throughout its life cycle—adopting BIM has been difficult for many in the AEC industry. In addition, BIM continues to grow and evolve, making it challenging to fully understand the… Continue Reading Create BIM from Any CAD Model using


Remix and 3D Print Working Mechanical Parts with Grafter 3D Software.

The Hasso Plattner Institut (HPI), a design, digital and engineering institute at the University of Potsdam has built up the Grafter 3D software system, which allows users to remix 3D models machines and make working mechanisms that can be 3D printed. As a major aspect of a proof of concept study, analysts from HPI’s Human-Computer… Continue Reading Remix and 3D Print Working Mechanical Parts with Grafter 3D Software.


Train Your Dota 2 Skills On a 3D Printed Map

The Utah-based 3D modeling and printing specialist recently unveiled its DOTA 2 3D Map Model, an expansive and finely detailed 3D printed terrain based on the popular multi-player online battle arena game setting. The impressive 3D printed diorama clearly took a half year to outline and build, and required the dedication and hard work of eight WhiteClouds… Continue Reading Train Your Dota 2 Skills On a 3D Printed Map


The Future Of Design With 3D Models

SpaceX the company founded by Elon Musk, the world’s busiest rich dude and mad scientist, has just posted a video showing off the Iron Man-inspired 3D modeling setup and is exploring methods for engineers to accelerate their workflow by designing more directly in 3D. By combining the gesture-sensing Leap Motion controller with an array of… Continue Reading The Future Of Design With 3D Models

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