Streets 3D Models

3D Models » Architecture 3D Models » Spaces » Streets

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3D Streets Architectural Objects royalty free for 3D computer graphics modeling.

The street is an element of urban infrastructure. Usually two rows of buildings and the space between them for movement.

City streets:
-Main street of city value;
-Main street of district value;
-Main street
-Local street:
-Interquarter Street;
-Intra quarterly street;
-Residential street;
-Tram and pedestrian street;
-Pedestrianized street;
-Bike Lane

Village and rural streets:
-Main street;
-Residential streets;

Each street has its own cross profile. Its appearance depends on the street category, the value of the city (settlement) in which it is located, the size of the city (settlement), the number of people, the relief of the territory, climatic and hydrogeological conditions, the nature of the building, the types, sizes and directions of urban traffic rain and surface water, the presence and placement of underground structures, the availability of power lines and communications, and many other factors.

Street names and their types are very conditional. In addition, with the development of the settlement and new buildings, the appearance of the streets is changing. An alley, for example, may cease to be an alley, but the name may not change. On some streets, the passage of cars and motorcycles may be prohibited, on others – movement is allowed only in one direction.

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