Games 3D Models

3D Models » Games

Showing 1–24 of 243 results

On Flatpyramid you will find 3D models for video games. They are optimized for the engines of the latest generation. Mostly you will find cars, characters, animals, monsters, weapons, shields, armor, swords and buildings. Physically conditioned rendering (PBR) is based on the idea of using realistic shading / lighting models together with given values of surface properties in order to accurately reproduce real materials.
Apart from the quality of the render, the most serious reason to use the real values of the material properties is the system. There is a guarantee that the created content will look great in any lighting.
To successfully create a 3D model, the artist collects as much information about the project as possible. To create a game model, all materials, such as photographs, examples of works you like, art works and as much as possible detailed references are useful.
Nowadays, almost any modern film and video game has three-dimensional graphics. 3D model is in demand more than ever. To create 3D graphics, you need to have an idea of the main tools (3D editors) and the stages of the production (pipeline) of 3D models.
The game is an interactive interaction of a person and a virtual world. Therefore, the main factors in creating the game:

  • interactivity;
  • uninterrupted operation;
  • and only then the visual aspect.

The modeler is limited by the capabilities of the game engine and console. A strict number of polygons for each individual element is often specified.
The main stages of creating and visualizing 3D models in the cinema and game industries:

  • Simulation is the creation of three-dimensional objects.
  • Texturing – the imposition of textures and materials on the 3D model.
  • Rigging (from English Rig – rigging) – creating a virtual “skeleton”, a set of “bones” / “joints” for the subsequent animation of the character.
  • Animation – “animation”, animation of a three-dimensional character.
  • Rendering (3D visualization) – visualization of the created graphics and recording.
  • Compositing – the combination of individual elements in the final scene. For example, the integration of 3D scenes into the shooting material, color correction and the addition of effects.