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Chevrolet 3D models are very popular among 3D artists plus this manufacturer has a great history. Chevrolet, (in the USA also known as Chevy) is a brand of cars produced and sold by the same economically independent division of General Motors Corporation.
The company was founded on November 3, 1911 by William Durant, who also founded General Motors in 1908, with renowned racer and car engineer Louis Chevrolet and investors – William Little and Edwin Campbell. The company was named in honor of Louis Chevrolet, who at that far time was on the Buick racing team. He was David Buick’s favorite racer. The first car was released in 1912, a year after the company was founded. Chevrolet wanted to immediately compete, already quite well-known brand – Ford.
There are several versions of the appearance of the logo. The most popular and most famous is the beautiful story of how, during a trip to Paris, one of the founders of Chevrolet, William Durant, staying at a hotel, saw an interesting pattern on the wallpaper. Durant liked the image so much that when he came home he suggested using it as a company logo.
During the time of the raging “Great Depression”, Chevrolet creates a knight’s move and produce in 1932 the famous Chevrolet Sports Roadster. Its cost was 445 dollars, and the equipment and appearance were very similar to the luxury version of GM – Cadillac.