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3D Models of Vegetables on Flatpyramid.
A balanced diet, first of all, implies a timely and properly organized supply of the body with tasty, well-prepared food containing various nutrients necessary for its normal development. The combination of different vegetables in the diet has a beneficial effect on the body, increases the percentage of assimilation of each vitamin separately. An important role in the organization of rational nutrition is given to vegetables – an essential and essential part of the daily diet, a pantry of vitamins, other organic and mineral substances.
They contain carbohydrates. Protein content in them is much lower than in meat, and they almost do not contain fat. The main value of vegetables is that they contain biologically active substances: vitamins (vitamin C, carotene, folic acid), minerals, organic acids, fiber, and pectin.
V decreases the effect of toxins on the human body. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Scientists say green and yellow vegies help against cancer.
Vegetables are able to whet the appetite and increase the secretion of digestive glands. Some veggies are eaten raw. But most often for cooking veggies are boiled, stewed, fried or baked. It should be noted that during heat treatment (as well as improper storage), the biological value of them is significantly reduced. They are also used for canning, pickling, pickling, pickling, freezing, and drying. When fermentation, rapid freezing and freeze-drying a significant part of the nutrients are preserved.