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Collections of Appliances 3D Models for the Kitchen and Laundry.
In the early 1900s, electrical and gas appliances consisted of washing machines, water heaters, refrigerators, and sewing machines. The invention of a small electric iron by Earl Richardson in 1903 gave a small initial impetus to the home appliance industry. During the American economic recovery after the end of World War II, the use of dishwashers and clothes dryers is part of the development of the home appliance industry. The increase in discretionary income was reflected in the increase in the number of different household appliances.
In America in the 1980s, the industry produced goods worth $ 1.5 billion each year and employed more than 14,000 workers, a doubling from 1982 to 1990 to $ 3.3 billion. Throughout this period, companies merged and acquired each other to reduce research and development costs and eliminate competitors in accordance with antitrust laws.
The US Department of Energy, reviewing compliance with the National Energy Saving Appliances Act of 1987, demanded that manufacturers reduce power consumption by 25% every five years.
In the 1990s, instrument making in the United States was very consolidated: more than 90% of products are sold by only five companies.