Showing 1–24 of 303 results
On our system you can find a large selection of 3D models of weapons and weaponry, as well as related items and tactical vehicles. From tanks and rockets to knight’s helmets and realistic representations of flails and other assorted weapons. Some of the 3D models of weapons include rigged models, which allow for easy animation and animated model creation, while some of our 3D weapons models also include animated files and animations.
When you buy a 3D weapons model from us, you pay a single license that is all-encompassing, and that will include all of the available files and file types, all of the animations and any and all other material and model size files. 3D weapon models can be used for mobile gaming creation, for AR and VR world population, and for any animation project. You can also find collections of weapon models, which can provide a collection of two or more related model and animation files.