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3D Models of Military Transport Vehicles for 3D modeling and rendering of graphics.
Military transport – in the armed forces, it’s providing a transportation of troops, armaments and military equipment, as well as the supply of troops to all that is necessary for their livelihoods.
The first cases of military use of railroads took place already in the ’50s – 60’s of the XIX century. During the Franco-Italian-Austrian War of 1859, for the first time, large-scale troop movements (railway maneuvers) were quickly deployed by rail. This contributed to the successful offensive of the troops.
During the First World War, carriages began to replace carriages to deliver supplies to troops from end stations.
English “Chinuk” carries Land Rover with a trailer.
Military aviation was first used in the war in 1936 during the Civil War in Spain when German transport aircraft deployed Franco troops from Morocco to Spain.
During the Second World War, the German Army Group Center (up to 1.8 million people) served an average of 1700 trains a month.
During the Second World War it became clear that rail transport requires the diversion of large forces to protect it from the enemy’s aircraft, and because of the formation of damaged areas, bridges, and overload areas, it can only be used in a limited way. Road transport, which was the main use of it in the front, army and army rear, had a greater survivability.