Exhibition Hall 3d Model Free

Exhibition Hall 3d Model Free on Flatpyramid.In order for participation in the exhibition to be successful, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with all the subtleties of this issue. All exposures are classified according to several criteria.By industry affiliation of the event:
  • industry (exhibitions of one strictly defined specialization, in which representatives of several unidirectional branches take part);
  • interdisciplinary (exhibitions covering many different industries that produce the most diverse products).
On a territorial basis of exposure:
  • regional (exhibitions are held on the territory of one country but in different regions of it);
  • international (enterprises from many countries take part in them; the range of products is very wide - from consumer products to innovative technologies);
  • national (exhibitions devoted to the economy and the specifics of the activities of one country).
By focus:
  • exhibitions that support the existing image of the company (aimed at regular customers and partners of the company, so the focus is on the corporate identity of the company);
  • pilot exhibitions (aimed at potential consumers when the company's image is at the stage of formation; the exhibition helps to consolidate it and present it to the public).
There are a number of secondary features for the classification of exhibitions. By purpose of the exposition, there are trade (trade exhibitions) and demonstration (of educational nature). By the time of the event, there are regular, regularly held and one-time events. In its accessibility for visitors - paid and free exhibitions.Types of exhibitions by topic According to the subject matter, the following types of exhibitions can be distinguished:
  • creative;
  • artistic;
  • technical;
  • advertising;
  • scientific;
  • industrial;
  • shopping;
  • educational.
Separate attention deserves the form of exposure. They can be allocated a huge amount, it all depends on the imagination of the organizers. For example, you can name such types of exhibitions as a show, report, demonstration, quiz, interactive, live exhibition, etc.The organization of exhibitions allows visitors to form the most complete impression of a product or service. Interactive expositions provide the opportunity to communicate, visitors can ask questions, get advice and make suggestions.Download Exhibition Hall 3d Model Free on Flatpyramid now.