Airport 3D Model

Airport 3D Model is one or more cargo terminals and other ground facilities and the necessary equipment in one place.One of the very first airports in the world was Konigsberg Airport Devau, which opened in 1919. There are hydro-airports to provide air transportation by seaplanes. Such airports do not have a runway, - its function is performed by the water surface of the reservoir - river, lake or seawater area.International airport - an airport open to the reception and departure of aircraft performing international air transportation, and which carries out border and customs control.The airfield of any airport includes an airfield (runways (runways) and taxiways (taxiways)), as well as an apron (several at major airports), parking and refueling sites, warehouses and air traffic control movements, electrical and electrical lighting, meteorological, navigator, etc.).Airfields are a source of strong noise pollution.Most of the services serving passengers from the moment of entering the airport until departure and from the moment when the ramp is supplied to the aircraft before leaving the airport are located in the air terminal:
  • airline offices;
  • passenger service;
  • security services;
  • luggage service;
  • border, immigration and customs control services;
  • various organizations and enterprises that provide recreation, food, a leisure of passengers, etc.: restaurants and cafes, trade outlets for periodicals and souvenirs, shops, etc.
Cargo complex Accepts for dispatch, prepares, processes, loads cargo and mail on board the aircraft. It is equipped with a covered heated warehouse, means of delivery and mechanized loading and unloading, means of cargo handling "in bulk" and in containers.Access control From the point of view of access control, the airport is divided into several zones:Uncontrolled zone - free access of any persons Controlled area - the territory, buildings or parts of buildings access to which is controlled Control zone - place, point of inspection/inspection of people and property Sterile area - strictly controlled area between the aircraft and the point of inspection/inspection The unmonitored zone and the controlled zone are also known as the “common zone” and the “clean zone”, respectively.Airport class The request "International Airport" is redirected here. This topic needs a separate article. The class of the airport is determined by the annual passenger traffic (passenger transfer), that is, the total number of all arriving and departing passengers, including transfer passengers (with transfer from one aircraft to another).Download Airport 3D model on Flatpyramid now.